Every night when I go to bed I feel so blessed to share my life with such an amazing husband and such an amazing baby girl.
I spend my entire day with my daughter and most days we get to see my husband for lunch time and sometimes for dinner.
But no matter what, nighttime is when we’re always together, as a family.
To me, nighttime is like the icing on the cake. That moment right before I go to sleep it’s just so magical to me…so powerful, so filled with emotions, it’s what keeps me going.
I lay in bed on one side, my husband on the other and our daughter in the middle.
Every night when I lay down my baby girl turns onto her side and puts her legs on top of mine. There is something about her doing this that brings so much happiness and love into my heart. She’s already close to me, but it’s like she wants to get even closer; she just loves cuddling. I can’t explain it in words but it just fills me out with an amazing feeling…
But it gets better! Then, I look at my husband. He rubs our baby’s belly or her back. Kisses her good night and snuggles with her a little. We smile at each other and kiss good night. We hold hands and fall asleep holding hands.
And once the sun wakes us up every morning we get to feel this love all over again, this union. It is so magical to see the happiness in my daughter’s face when she sees us in the morning. Her excitement, the joy, the laughter, the kisses and hugs…it’s what I live for.
So much love, so much happiness, so much closeness – this is my favorite part of the day. Life just doesn’t get any better than this!
Are your nights also this magical?
🙂 I remember this when we only had Yadiel and our nights were very similar. I always felt so cozy and happy to have all three of us snuggled up in bed. Now it’s a little different, but like last night I was nursing Isaac and Luis came in and laid down next to us, kissed him on the head and rubbed his back, it was so sweet. I love all the little moments like that that come with bedsharing 🙂
That’s so sweet!! 🙂 Those are the moment I hope we always remember.
Beautiful!!! I share those same feelings. Now we have a new baby that we’ve added to the family. So it’s both our boys and my husband. What could be better? What could be safer? What could be cozier?
Sounds perfect to me! 🙂 There’s nothing better.