This Ultimate Guide to Sensory Bins Using Water Beads, is an in-depth how-to for parents, to help intentionally provide sensory-expanding activities for their kids. It's not an exhaustive list of every idea ever, but this is a great starting place to ... READ the POST
3 Fun Valentine’s Day Sensory Play Activities and 4 Healthy (Non-Candy) Treats Your Kid Will Love
February is here and it's time to celebrate love and friendship with some really fun, yet easy to set up, Valentine's Day Sensory Play Activities! In our home we love doing monthly themed activities to celebrate different seasons, holidays or ... READ the POST
Why Sensory Play is Important for Children (+ a list of sensory play ideas)
Little ones have a lot to master: when they do finally make their way in to the world, they need to learn to eat, sleep regularly, socialize, and so much more. And although it may seem silly to us, they learn about the world through play! ... READ the POST
How to Make Sparkly Snowball Slime
It’s winter! It’s cold out, maybe snowing again, and you have kiddos that need entertaining - it’s the perfect time for a fun craft that you can all enjoy while staying inside where it is warm and cozy. We all like to get our kids outside when the ... READ the POST
4 Halloween Sensory Play Activities for Toddlers and Kindergarteners
Sensory activities are not only entertaining for the little ones but they are a great way to develop fine and motor skills, explore using the 5 senses and learn about different textures. Sensory play is how children start understanding the world they ... READ the POST
Taste-Safe Cake Mix Play Dough
If your kids are anything like mine, they love play dough - and I love that they love it! Play dough is fantastic for kids because it prompts their imagination and imaginative play. They can make literally anything! It’s wonderful for inspiring ... READ the POST