Growing up our doctor always resorted to natural remedies before using medication which allowed us to learn lots of first hacks using items we had at home. Now that I am a mom I find myself using these hacks a lot because they work, I always have these ingredients at home and they’re really easy to do around children.
I have to admit, when I first heard about some of these hacks I was skeptical but I figured I had nothing to lose. To my surprise they all work so well and that’s why I want to share them with you today! Make sure you save this post for later so when you’re dealing with one of these things you know exactly what to do.
To see my TV segment showcasing these 6 first aid hacks, click here or hit play below. You can find all the details about each remedy on this post, below the video.
Note: Please use common sense when dealing with wounds. If it doesn’t look right or you’re concerned about it, always contact your doctor first. I am not doctor and what I’m sharing here is what’s worked for my family and friends and what I have researched online.
6 First Aid Hacks Using Items Found in your Home
Aloe vera and witch hazel for sunburn and cuts
These are staples in my home because they are great for so many different things, from making your own homemade products to dealing with sunburn, razor burn scrapes and diaper rashes… These 2 products can be used alone or in conjunction for almost any skin related issue!
Aloe Vera and Witch Hazel have a huge variety of nutrients, vitamins, minerals and enzymes. They’re also great at moisturizing, soothing the skin and accelerating wound healing. They’re also full of antioxidants, they’re antibacterial and have astringent properties.
To use: You can use them separately but I find that combining both has better results. All you have to do is mix 1 part of aloe vera and 1 part of witch hazel in a glass spray bottle. Shake the bottle and spray on generously on affected area as needed.
Use this powerful combination when treating:
- sunburn
- small cuts and scrapes
- diaper rashes
- acne
- razor burn
- blisters
Spray several times a day until the ailment has disappeared.
Manuka Honey and Saline Solution for wounds
Honey is not only tasty but it actually has healing properties! Yes, honey helps wounds to heal by killing the infecting bacteria. It has also moisturizing and nourishing properties. It has even been used in medical settings for these very properties.
Keep in mind that not all honey is the same. Some of the store bought stuff is honey diluted with other ingredients or pasteurized honey. In order to treat a wound you need pure, raw honey, and preferably Manuka Honey since it contains more healing properties.
The first time I heard this honey hack I was skeptical, but after having a bad fall many years ago I decided to give it a try. I applied honey to an open wound on my leg and I was surprised at how much faster my wound healed! After that experience, we always keep honey at home, for eating and for wounds.
To use: First you need to clean the wound with soap and water or a saline solution. To make a saline solution, add 1 teaspoon of real salt to a cup of warm water. Mix it until the salt has dissolved and clean the wound the saline solution.
After cleaning the wound, apply a thin layer of honey. You can put a clean gauze of bandaid to avoid the honey from rubbing into your clothes. If you don’t want to touch the wound, then apply a enough honey to cover the gauze and place over your wound.
Butter or Pineapple for bruises
What do these 2 ingredients have in common? They’re great to prevent bruising! Seriously!
Why they work? Pineapple contains the enzyme bromelain, which is a natural protein-digesting compound that helps to initiate or speed up normal reactions that occur in the body.
When used on your skin it helps to reduce inflammation and pain, and breaks down the blood proteins that have coagulated to form the bruise. Bromelain also helps to fade the bruise quickly and prevent further blood clots from forming.
Butter contains phosphate which is the leading ingredient in phospholipids that make up your blood vessel cell walls. By applying butter you encourage the phospholipids and prevent bleeding into the tissue.
To use: Next time you bump into something, apply some butter or rub a piece of pineapple to prevent bruising.
Use banana peel to prevent itching
Banana peel is loaded with antioxidants and it’s has anti-inflammatory properties. It is also believed that the sugars from the peel help draw fluid out of the bite, preventing the itching.
If you get bitten by a mosquito or stumble into a bit of poison ivy rubbing a banana peel on the affected area can moisturize and neutralize some of the itching.
To use: Make sure you clean the affected area first. Then rub a banana peel on the mosquito bite, and keep the peel on the affected area 5-10 minutes, rubbing it occasionally on the bite. You should feel relief almost immediately.
Use glue to remove splinters
The other day I got a splinter on my foot and I tried to get it out with tweezers but I just couldn’t get it out. It was painful to walk and that’s when I remember the glue trick!
You can put glue wherever you have a splinter and once it’s hardened, you will see the splinter come out when you peel the glue off. This hack has been a life saver with my kids since they don’t like us to get near them with tweezers.
To use: Cover the area where you have a splinter with glue. Let the glue dry completely and once it’s dry, peel it off slowly. The splinter will stick to the glue when you peel it off.
Use baking soda paste or an onion to treat bee sting
If you’ve ever gotten stung by a bee you know how much it can hurt during that first hour. Bee stings are no joke!
Instead of waiting for the pain to subside you can do use either a baking soda paste or an onion to relieve the pain, swelling and itching from the bee sting.
The baking soda works because it helps neutralize bee venom and the onion also works because it helps to break down the chemicals responsible for inflammation and discomfort.
To use: Next time you get a bee sting do one of these 2 things:
- Cut an onion in half and rub it on the sting. It will sting more at first for a few seconds and then the pain will go away.
- Make a baking soda by mixing baking soda with a few drops of water. Apply the paste on the sting.
Wait 5-10 minutes before washing off the area or until the pain has subsided.
There you have it! Six first aid hacks that every parent should know about and that actually work.
Do you know of any other first aid hacks? Let us know in the comments down below.
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