This is a guest post written by Erica Garland.
Once you stop using conventional cleaners in your home, you’ll be amazed at how sensitive you can get to those products. Just walking down the cleaning aisle at the grocery store can make your head spin. While the bathroom is one place you don’t want to compromise on clean, there’s no way it needs to smell like a chemical bomb just exploded.
It’s totally possible to get your bathroom fixtures just as squeaky clean using natural cleaning solutions. In fact, you could argue that the natural cleaning solutions do a hands-down better job, since they won’t leave toxic residue for your babies to absorb through their skin or mouths.
While there are plenty of commercially available “natural” cleaners, they’re not all trustworthy; it’s a good idea to read the labels carefully before buying. (Be prepared to look up ingredients and make wise decisions.) They tend to be on the pricey side, as well.
Fortunately, it’s easy to make DIY bathroom cleaners from proven safe ingredients like baking soda and essential oils. It’s usually a LOT cheaper, too. Plus, if your kids are old enough, it can be a fun and educational project to do together. (You might even get the older ones to clean the bathroom with your creations. But unlike cruising down the cleaning aisle, you probably shouldn’t hold your breath.)
Here are a few recipes to get you started:
Homemade Chemical-Free Cleanser
Gentle, effective and fume-free.
- 1 cup of baking soda
- 1 cup of non-iodized salt
- ½ cup washing soda (hold your nose and look for it in the cleaning aisle, or order it on Amazon)
- 4-6 drops of your favorite essential oil (lemon, tangerine, peppermint and tea tree are all great at fighting odors, but use whatever suits your fancy)
Throw the ingredients into a quart mason jar.
Screw the lid on tightly.
Have your kids pick out some lively music on YouTube, and shake it up, baby!
Use like you would any scouring powder. You can put it into a Parmesan cheese shaker for convenience.
Make a paste with vinegar for tough jobs. It really works!
Foaming Hand Soap
You won’t have to encourage kids to wash their hands with this stuff! Also makes great fake Santa Claus beards at bath time. You can purchase an empty foaming soap container online, but it’s greener to re-use an old one.
- 2 tablespoons unscented castile soap
- 2 teaspoons fractionated coconut oil
- 10-15 drops essential oil (lavender is soothing to the hands, or use refreshing peppermint)
- Distilled water
Dump the first three ingredients into your soap dispenser.
Fill the rest of the way with water, leaving some head space for the pump.
Screw on the pump top, shake, and enjoy foaming luxury without spending a mint.
Essential Oil Air Freshener
The easiest DIY bathroom product ever! You’ll need a small (2-3 ounce) glass spray bottle. If you want to use a plastic spray bottle look for one that is specifically made to hold up to essential oils; you may be able to find one in your local natural food store, or order one online.
- Distilled water
- 10-15 drops of your favorite essential oil
Fill the spray bottle with distilled water.
Add 10-15 drops essential oil, and screw on the cap.
Shake and spray as needed for a fresh-smelling loo.
And if you just can’t get enough…
One thing about making your own cleaning products: it can actually get addictive. (Maybe it’s the essential oils.) So why not keep making more?
With the holidays coming up, consider whipping up a few extra batches of your favorite products in pretty packaging. Use them singly for stocking stuffers or small gifts, or bundle them in an attractive basket with some microfiber cloths and a natural-bristle scrub brush for those special sisters on your list. (You know the ones who will appreciate it most.)
Author bio: Erica Garland is Content Marketing Manager at Modern Bathroom and has 15 years of experience in the bathroom renovation industry. Modern Bathroom sells a variety of products you would need for any bathroom renovation project. With such a large selection of vanities, faucets, sinks, toilets and bathtub shower enclosures. Modern Bathroom is sure to have the perfect piece to give your bathroom an updated look.
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