When I first become a mother I quickly realized I was different than everyone else. I didn’t leave my baby crying, we co-slept, I wore my baby and nursed her for what felt like 20 hours a day. I knew I wanted to raise my children from a place of love, to feel loved and I wanted them to grow up to be kind, independent and caring adults. I also knew there had to be a better way, a more kind and peaceful way to do this.
But, I’m not going to lie. It was hard at times to be a different parent, especially because at first, when I was the only one parenting this way.
So I did what every mother does, I turned to Google because I wanted to make sure that what my instincts were telling me was right. That’s when I found the work of Dr. Bill Sears. Dr. Sears validated that what my instincts were telling me, was right. That it was okay to be there for my child, at all times, that it was okay to bed-share, that it was okay to do everything I was doing and that I could trust my own mama instincts.
Dr. Bill Sears and Carolina King (Mama Instincts) at Dr. Sears house – March 2019
Last year I was lucky enough to finally meet Dr. Sears and tell him in person how much I appreciated all his books, blog posts and what he stands for. I cried. It meant that much to me when I was a first time mom navigating this new world.
But I can never get enough of Dr. Sears so when I was again invited for dinner at his house, I said yes and asked my readers what would they like to me ask Dr. Sears. And they chimed in!
This is one of my favorite interviews because he shares such good insights on parenting, especially when it comes to you, mama. He talks about “mommy brain”, but not in a negative way. He describes it as a “new brain” we develop once we have babies that tells us what’s right for our little ones.
Hit play below to watch my interview with Dr. Sears:
Since we are just sitting and chatting, you don’t actually have to watch the interview. You can just listen to it while you’re driving, cooking, cleaning or running some errands.
So, what’s the interview about?
During my interview with Dr. Bill Sears I asked him several questions:
- Why do so many doctors push the cry-it-out method?
- Is bed-sharing really safe and why does he support this practice?
- How does he keep his marriage alive after 54 years and 8 kids (whom he practiced attachment parenting with)?
- How to parent a different way when no one around you is supportive?
- If he had to give ONE piece of advice to moms, what would it be?
Every single answer he gave goes beyond what my initial questions were and he shares so many good nuggets of information that it’s truly worth to watch this interview. He also gave a few examples on how to practice positive discipline with our children, some that I hadn’t even thought of! Yes, you can be firm yet kind when you’re disciplining your children and have better results than if you resorted to yelling or spanking.
He even mentions his dad left when he was a one month old baby… This impressed me because he grew up without a father, yet he found a way to be an amazing father to his own kids.
Plus his advice on how to keep the marriage alive is so good! My favorite part was where he explained how they did “date nights” at home even with the little ones around. I wish I would have known about this sooner but it’s never too late – I will start doing the same thing with our family.
Dr. Bill Sears is every mom’s dream, when it comes to a pediatrician. He’s so understanding of mothers, so supportive of them and the best part, is that he uses science to confirm that a lot of the instincts we have are there because it is what’s best for our children.
I hope you hit play on the video above and hear for yourself all the great advice he had to share.
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